Let's help you set up resession proof business
THE GYM is a company that believes in fitness. It stands for quality, franchising brand uniformity and superior services. That quality, superior service and uniformity produces more revenue through marketing, operations and experience than many other fitness clubs in the marketplace today.
A Cutting Edge Franchise OpportunityIn life timing is everything. The fitness industry continues to grow each year and opportunities abound. THE GYM Key Club franchises capture the cutting edge of affordability and efficient design.
EfficientOpen design yet loaded with cutting edge commercial grade equipment. Sure to please the amateur or the enthusiast.
Value DrivenValue driven without full staffing. Which gives you lower overheads and more profitability. 24 hour "key" access seven days a week your members will find the key club approach to be convenient and affordable.
New AgeTHE GYM offer not only the newest but most durable commercial grade equipment.
Before You Even OpenSimply put we are here to help! Here are just a few of the support services available to New THE GYM Franchises :
Our support does not end when you open. Your journey and our assistance have just begun.
Here are the additional services :